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Mobiles & Sculptures

Dodge Magnum painted by Tom Lohre with a new temporary paint. Dodge Ram Logo with surface coating of sparkles and sprayed liquid wax.

Dodge Magnum, Sprayed liquid wax, June 16, 2012 with detail of sparkles in the wax

Kinetic wind sculpture made out of bamboo, metal pipe, plastic, yard light, white twine. Twine donated by Lowes. 12’ x 5’ x 3”, installed on the front lawn of the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio until spring 2012





Video of Heart Sail in a Squall 

Heart Sail Yard Art by Tom Lohre Holiday Star atop Japanese Sale Banner with  Solar Yard Light by Tom Lohre Wind Powered Heart Sail with Pinwheel by Tom Lohre

Wind powered art on green of the Clifton Cultural Arts Center

Holiday Star atop Sale Banner; 10' x 5'; yard light, plastic, bamboo, Japanese Sale sign; December 21, 2011

Heart Sail,Wind powered, 17' x 6', Green of Clifton Cultural Arts Center, October 11, 2011

Yard light attached to a pinwheel, March 7, 2012, the night of the sun spot event

Sea Bird Mobile

5' x 5' x 2', plastic birds, aluminum tubing, 2002

Evolved over the period of several years. The use of spiral arms is extremely delicate in balancing. The birds were found in a thrift store in Florida in 1992

Solar System Mobile

5' x 5' x 3', paper printed planets, aluminum tubing, 2002

Evolved over the period of two years. The glowing planets were from a store bought mobile.


Air Mechanics Mobile

48" x 48" x 4", sheet aluminum, links

Uses sheet aluminum, balanced in a single plane. The mobile was created as as mock up for a much larger version which never came about.

Spirit Stones

Plant Mobile

Print Mobile

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Decaying tree painted, Created for Fresh Art 1999  

Vince Keller, Caretaker to Devou Park, Covington, Kentucky was a antagonist to Tom and Chuck as they grew up by preventing them from flying their model airplanes on the golf course.