Carnival of Souls
Starring - Candace Hilligoss as Mary Henry, Stan Levitt as Dr. Samuels the shrink, Frances Feist as Mrs. Thomas the landlady, Art Ellison as the Minister, Sidney Berger as John Linden, Tom McGinnis as the boss at the Organ factory, Bill De Jarnett as the car mechanic Larry Sneegas as the drag racer, Herk Harvey as the man,
Directed by - Herk Harvey (1962) - B&W - 79 min.
Carnival of Souls starring Candace Hilligoss as Mary Henry, a woman who is the only survivor in a car with three girls who decided to drag race when challenged. The 1962 film was directed by Herk Harvey and remains one of the greatest low budget movies ever made. It is scary, not because of a lot of blood and guts or anything gross - but the whole ethereal feel of the film is just plain creepy. Who the heck is the phantom guy, and why does he keep popping in to scare Mary? The ending is just excellent - sorry, no spoilers here..