Portraits in the manner of William Adolphe Bouguereau, French, 1825-1905
Landscapes in the manner of Jan Van Der Heyden, Dutch, 1637-1712
Paintings in the manner of
Inspiring Smiles Forever
Complete Works, Portraits, Landscapes, Still Lifes, Sculpture, Lego Artist...
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Fountain Square LXXII #72, Oil pastel on metal, 8" x 10", Monday, February 1, 2021
Esquire Theater and Clifton Market, 16" x 12", September 9, 2015,Oil pastel on metal
Clifton Firehouse, Fountain and Esquire; 16" X 12", July 15, 2015, Oil pastel on metal
Tyler Davidson Fountain ILVII Cincinnati Ohio Impressionist Oil Painting, 8" x 10" x .016” x 2 oz., Oil pastel on metal. Framed in a Neapolitan style simulated gold leaf over clay over wood with no seam in corners weighing 2.5 pounds
Perfect North V, Oil pastel on metal, 20" x 16", Sunday, February 8, 2015
Perfect North Slopes III, Finished Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 8" x 10" x .016” x 2 oz., Oil pastel on metal. Framed in a Neapolitan style simulated gold leaf over clay over wood with no seam in corners weighing 2.5 pounds
Queen City Great American Building at Night I, Oil pastel on metal, 8" x 10", Finished Sunday, February 8, 2015
Superior Honda Landscape, Oil pastel on metal, 10" x 8", January 6, 2015
Perfect North II, Oil pastel on metal, 10" x 8", Monday, December 29, 2014
Mount Adams XIII, Oil pastel on metal, 36" x 24", December 23, 2014
This is the eighth version of Mount Adams from across the Ohio River. In the old days Tom would be on the docks of the Riverside Marina painting. Now he works the new versions in his studio. The marina has moved up river. Tom paints this view over and over in different color versions because of the universality of the water, mountain, and church on top. It looks not unlike Mont Saint Michel Abbey. This is the first large size tableau using the melted oil pastels on metal. Painted with a limited palette of eight of colors. Each color plays a role: medium gray for cold atmosphere and clouds; white for clouds and water reflection of the sky; medium blue for sky and water; light green for sprouting buds of spring in the bushes; dark green for evergreen and moss; light Naples’s yellow for sunlight on stone; light violet for shadow of stone and concrete and blood red for humans.
Fountain Square ILIX, Oil on canvas, 36" x 48", December 19, 2014
Dolphin Boy II, Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40", December 4, 2014
The Tyler Davidson fountain has been painted by Tom many times. The first paintings were done in the winter from the second floor of the Westin Hotel. Earlier Tom painted a woman’s portrait with one of the corner statues in the foreground. This painting is the state of the art Tom’s series. The statue plays a dual role of colorful bouquet of color and abstract image of a popular motif in Cincinnati. The nine colors were refined over years. Each color plays a special role and has a deep effect on the artist. Tom feels that these nine colors can take the viewer where he wants to take them with as little extra as possible. These colors were specially mixed at the paint store and have been used almost exclusively. Every time Tom tries to revise or adapt the series it never hits the mark as these colors do. By expanding the color blob sizes you can abstract the work until it plays against knowing and enjoying.
Mount Adams XII, Acrylic on canvas, 48" x 30", December 1, 2014
Fountain Square LXX, Oil pastel on metal, 12" x 16", Wednesday, January 14, 2015 The first day glow painting, done in 2003, was of Irene
Fountain Square LXIX, Oil pastel on metal, 18" x 36", Saturday, January 3, 2015
Fountain Square LXXI, Glowing
oil pastel on metal, 12" x 16", Tuesday, Janaury 20, 2015
Tom started working with glow in the dark colors while developing his Lego painting
machine in 2003. The addition of new colors stymied Tom till 2015 when he was
willing to advance the process dovetailing it with his March 2015 Show.
There are two aspects of glow in the dark. Some of the colors can be seen and
other colors are colored with an approximation of the glow color. For now, Tom
will be using the glow colors for skies and reflection of the sky on the water.
Tom developed an applicator to facilitate thicker glow color for the daylight
version to show an opaque surface.
Fountain Square ILVIII, Oil on canvas, 36" x 48", December 11, 2014
This version of the Lady of the Waters the top figure of the Tyler Davidson Fountain in the center of Cincinnati is derived from an earlier painting that juxtaposed a nude figure in front of the statue. Once Tom started deriving his work into simple nine color blobs the motif came to life. Tom has since painted it many times in smaller sizes now in the size it deserves. In this version the derived work was a nude black woman standing in place of the main figure.
Ceasar Creek Glider Port, Waynesville, Ohio, 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, July 14, 2013
Perfect North Slopes I, Lawrenceburg Indiana Cincinnati Ohio Impressionism Oil Painting, Finished Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 8" x 10" x .016” x 2 oz., Oil pastel on metal. Framed in a Neapolitan style simulated gold leaf over clay over wood with no seam in corners weighing 2.5 pounds
Esquire IV, Oil pastel on metal, 24" x 18", December 16, 2014
Ludlow Avenue in Clifton is neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. The neighborhood includes all the features of a charming landscape. “Holidays on Ludlow” is an evening of carriage rides, music, caroling and special events by the merchants. The carriage rides start in front of Graeter’s Ice Cream the view for this painting. The previous painting with this view was done from life. The evening streets wet from drizzle. A delicate balance of color is struck to display night. The dark opaque oil pastel left something to be desired. This derived version in nine colors lightens the scene by keeping all the colors light. The blob abstraction allows the knowledgeable viewer to pick out the features of the street avoiding the ponderous dark nature of the previous painting, Esquire IV.
Esquire Theater IV, Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati Ohio, 24" x 18", Oil pastel on metal, December 16, 2014
Esquire Theater III, Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati Ohio, 24" x 18", Oil pastel on metal, December 4, 2014
A favorite view includes the theater and unique building on the left add the trees overhanging from the right and you have a charming streetscape. This painting is a larger version of an oil painting Tom painted in the winter from inside the barber shop. The chunky melted oil pastels with limited palette make a novel rendition of winter light. A group of friends walks down the center of the snow covered street.
Telford Avenue III, 20 " x 16", Oil
pastel on metal, February 2, 2014
The scene was painted from life in the Om Café during the Sunday Jazz
brunch. The snow conditions give it a somber mood blotting out most of the detail.
Tom’s intention is to paint Clifton Gaslight’s Ludlow Avenue over
and over in the tradition of the Parisian masters. The new manner makes this
possible by delivering a riveting, alive, work that breaks new ground for an
appreciating audience.
Clifton Gaslight IV, 20” x 16", Oil
pastel on metal, February 26, 2014
The scene is from Holidays on Ludlow” with the horse drawn carriage picking
up passengers in front of Graeter’s Ice Cream. The sky and street are
enhanced by rendering them with high key color, each area having many colors
from the complete spectrum.
Ludlow Garage, 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, January 18, 2014
Painted from inside Dan's Clifton Barbers on a winter’s day alluding to snow covering the street and no cars. A lone woman walks her dog in the middle of the street. Tom took images of people passing by all day and put one in the painting. Sitting in the barber shop all day may you feel like you were a barber? The endless discussion between barber and client is a unique. Dan and Susan carefully address their client and make a smooth transition into a comfortable banter that continues as the client steers the discussion. The barber shop was chosen for it commanding view of the main architectural building of Ludlow Avenue, the Ludlow Garage. Originally an auto shop now a restaurant, Olives, with a large expanse of space in the back that is an Ace Hardware store. Upstairs is a long standing It’s Yoga salon. The style of the building is regal made of limestone and clay tile roof.
Telford Avenue II, 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, January 19, 2014
Painted from inside the Om Café on a winter’s day emulating snow covering everything, cars covered with heaps of snow an no one driving. A lone woman walks across the street looking at her cell phone. It was Sunday and a Jazz band from Cincinnati’s Conservatory of Music played during brunch. Tom was right up there with the band grooving on the music as he painted. This work represents best the pointillism effect of the quarter inch crayons. Each stroke takes up the roll of several regular strokes. Just the slightest daub brings real character to the figure and architecture. You can even see she is looking at cell phone.
Clifton Gaslight III, 20” x 16", Oil
pastel on metal, February 8, 2014
The scene is from “Holidays on Ludlow” with the horse drawn carriage
lmaking the turn from Clifton to Ludlow. Inspired by Edouard Cortez, Eugene
Galien-Laloue, Luigi Loir and Jean Beraud. The rough work is the new rough.
The color wax sticks melted onto a hot metal is alive even after it cools. In
the past Tom relied on the time of day painting in the street to dictate the
light and color of the painting but now he needs to give the painting everything
it needs. In the past he shied away from dawn or dusk paintings thinking it
was kitsch, low-brow style of mass-produced art or design using popular or cultural
icons. This new medium wants him paint all the light effects.
Telford Avenue, Clifton, Cincinnati; 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, July 20, 2013
Always looking for new views of his neighborhood village, Tom still returns to the old standards like this view of a small side street off Ludlow. On the right is a popular fine restaurant, La poste, to the left is Graeter’s Ice Cream. The stately apartment building on the right attached to the newer but still charming brick apartment building that anchors the corner make up the charming architecture. To the left, a simple yellow brick apartment building completes the classic one perspective composition.
Clifton Gaslight II, Cincinnati; 16" x 20", Oil pastel on metal, July 25, 2013
Refining the classic gaslight view in this larger canvas of the melted manner, the larger size brings the colors together explaining the features better. Juggling the metal held onto the hot plate with magnets works best with this size. All the visual elements of the gaslight district are present, the swirling balconies on the right, the classic Esquire movie theater in the center and the bohemian Sitwell’s Coffee House on the left. The daytime sunny color rendered in bright colors whether in shade or sun.
Ludlow and Telford Avenues III, Clifton, Cincinnati; 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, July 15, 2013
Painted from life in Clifton Plaza, Tom plugged into the socket on the street lamps to power the hot plate that heated the metal so the color could be melted onto it. A busy body called the police to stop Tom from stealing the power from the City. Two officers showed up to forcing Tom to immediately stop. Later it was discovered the power is paid for by the Clifton Business and Professional Association which condones the use. Sitting in one location for five hours, you see the world past by and sometimes throwing a wrench.
Clifton Gaslight, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10, 2013, 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, painted from life
The Beach Water Park, 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, August 15, 2013
Crew Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio; 12" x 16", Oil pastel on metal, August 30, 2013
Come spring or fall Tom goes to Fountain Square and paints. This painting shows the evolution of the motif. The Crew Tower takes center stage with the Tyler Davidson Fountain taking second fiddle. Since they moved the fountain, Tom finds this view rewarding. He looks forward to developing this motif further. In the old days he would paint from the second floor of the Weston Hotel. The bird’s eye view was especially well composed. Working indoors allowed him to paint in the winter.
Ludlow Village II, Clifton Gaslight, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 1, 2013, 16"
x 12", Oil pastel
on metal, this is the second of six works painted on location on
Clifton Plaza on Ludlow Avenue in Clifton a neighborhood of Cincinnati in the
summer. Tom lives nearby. This was his second series of works painted on Ludlow.
He used an unconventional painting manner melting fancy crayons on hot metal.
To the right through the trees is the Esquire Theater. The building featured
houses Pangaea, a women’s clothing store and Sitwell’s Coffee Shop.
To the left is Telford Street. Tom is thinking of opening a window box gallery
between the Esquire and Sitwell’s. There is a closet in Sitwell’s
where the back wall is the street front. Tom would put a picture window in the
Ludlow and Telford Avenues I, Clifton, Cincinnati; 16" x 12", Oil pastel on metal, July 1, 2013
Fountain Square XL, May 24, 2013, 12" x 16", Oil pastel on metal, Adaption of a 1994 series of fountain paintings done on the skywalk during a festival. The series of four are bird-eye views done on location near the fountain but not actuality seeing the fountain. The buildings are suggested by stripes of vertical color. These early paintings lend themselves to being reinterpreted using the pixelated painting manner melting oil pastels on a heated surface similar to his painting machine.
Fountain Square XXXIX, December 5, 2012, 24" x 24", Acrylic on canvas , available
One Man Art Sale, Clifton Performance Theater, 404 Ludlow Avenue, 45220. Showing new work on the set while painting on stage.
Fountain Square XXXVI, July 2, 2012, 5" x 7", Acrylic on board
Fountain Square XXXVII, July 3, 2012, 5" x 7", Acrylic on board
Fountain Square XXXV, July 1, 2012, 5" x 7", Acrylic on board
Fountain Square XXXIV, June 26, 2012, 5" x 7", Acrylic on board
Derived from Winold Reiss's Union Terminal mural , 48" x 24', Latex on canvas, Painting for set in "Disgruntled Employees", Clifton Performance Theatre, 404 Ludlow Ave., 45220, www.CliftonPerformanceTheatre.com
Fountain Square XXXVIII, 4' x 6', pastel on concrete, Clifton Plaza, September 29, 2012 painted as part of ArtCarpets organized by Jan Brown Checco, part of CliftonFest and StreetScapes
Fountain Square XXVI, 16" x 12", Oil on canvas, July 22, 2011, available
Another in a long line of fountain paintings this one started in the spring
while Helen was still in school. The painting will be a stepping off point for
the next series of abstract colorful paintings done in the varnish manner.
Fountain XXXI, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 20, 2011
Fountain XXXII, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 25, 2011
Fountain Square XXVII, 3' x 4', Chalk on concrete, September 24, 2011
Fountain XXVIII, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 7, 2011
Fountain XXIX, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 10, 2011
Fountain XXX, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 15, 2011
Fountain Square Lady, 4’ x 6’, chalk on concrete, on the Clifton
Plaza off Ludlow Avenue done during Clifton’s Street Scapes 2010
Fountain XXVIII, 5" x 7", Oil on board, October 7, 2011
Fountain Square XXIV, oil on canvas, 16" x 12", February 23, 2011, Cincinnati’s Fountain Square painted in Tom's radically different impressionist manner using carefully crafted colors, white, light lemon yellow, light yellow green, light blue, blue, yellow ochre, Nantucket red, purple, green and dark violet gray. The colors play two roles, one of light and dark and the other as representatives of all colors. With the simple line drawing in dark gray violet the combined effect is one of a half processed image somewhere between the eye and the visual cortex. The colors applied in a watercolor manner using tinted Dammar varnish. Not only does it smell great it looks beautiful with a high gloss finish. The manner, derived from Tom’s painting Lego robot, works with ten colors to simulate full color. Look forward to a painting in this manner using glow in the dark colors.
Fountain Square XXVII, oil on canvas, 20" x 16", October 23, 2010
Fountain Square XX, oil on canvas, 20" x 16", November 4, 2010
Nine color blob painting, derived from the Lego Robot Painter, using simple distillations of life.
Cincinnati, Fountain Square, Ohio River, Lady of the Waters, Tyler Davidson Fountain
Ochre, Olive Green, DuPont Building, Fifth Third Building, Downtown
Lemon Yellow, Violet, Red
Stand Oil, Damar Varnish, Fredrix Sign Canvas, Fredrix Strecher Bars, Copper Tacks
1-1/2 inch Simulated Gold Napoleon Frame, Made in Taiwan, Inner Lining, Gold Leaf, Napoleon Frame
Wood, Popular Wood, Clay
Fountain Square XIV, oil on board, 16" x 12", October 20, 2010
Mount Adams IV, oil on board, 16" x 12", Ocotber 19, 2010
Fountain Square XV, oil on board, 16" x 12", October 21, 2010
Pool Reflection, Oil on canvas, June 30, 2010, 20" x 16"
Painted at Clifton Meadows Tennis and Swim Club as his daughter practiced swim
and dive. Tom was interested in using the surface of the pool and the bathing
suits below it to make an abstract painting.
Fountain Square XIV, oil on board, 16" x 12", June 10, 2010
Fountain Square XIII, oil on board, 16" x 12", June1, 2010
Dolphin Boy, 5" x 7", September 2009
Goose Boy 5" x 7", September 2009
Fountain Square X, oil on board, 16" x 20", September 2009
Fountain Square XI, 16" x 20", oil on canvas, September 18, 2009
Fountain XII, oil on board, 16" x 12", July 1, 2010
Sunderland Home, 30" x 24", oil on canvas, July 16, 2010
Digital Study for the canvas
7" x 5" Study
Grant Park, Chicago, 4' x 3', latex on canvas, November 4, 2008
Abstract Landscape V, 16" x 12", oil on board, December 2008
Fountain Square XXV, Wax on aluminum, Glow-in-the-dark colors, 20" x 12", March 10, 2011
Painted using Sakura transparent oil pastel mixed with glow in the dark pigment. Tom paints the Fountain Square from time to time and this version is a step in another direction. The glow color is not always the same color as the color when the lights are turned off. Tom did two other paintings in this manner, an Arab woman with the Sphinx in the background and the other a portrait of his wife as the “Woman with the Pearl Earring.” In time Tom expects to refine this manner for it takes working in more than one dimension, painting one part of the work to glow in the dark and another for the light. Glow in the dark paintings have not been popular more of novelty. Tom sees possibilities but the dual nature means working in the surreal. Tom first painting was what he saw when you close your eyes, squiggly lines of light that looks like glow in the dark colors. We all are familiar with the glow in the dark because we all see the squiggly line behind our eyeballs.
Fountain II, 12" x 16", oil on board, November 20, 2008
Fountain III, 12" x 16", oil on board, November 22, 2008
Fountain IV, 12" x 16", oil on board, November 24, 2008
Fountain Square, 16" x 12", September 2005
Telford Avenue, Clifton, Ludlow Village, Cincinnati, Ohio, 16" x 12", Oil on board
Mount Adams. 18" x 58", oil on canvas, 2002
Painted from life along the Ohio River from Dave's Riverside Marina before the development moved the dock to Dayton, Kentucky
Clifton Cow, 8" x 10" oil on canvas of the Clifton Cow Jumping Over the Moon in Mount Storm Park
Bogart's Music Venue, 16" x 20", oil on canvas
Groeber Home, Springfield, Ohio, 10" x 8", watercolor on paper, Feb. 13, 1998
Morrison Place, Oil on canvas, 16 x 12", Spring 1996
Foutain Square, Oil on canvas, 24" x 30", 1993
One of three painted live during a festival on a bridge part of the skywalk. You could not see the fountain or square from this location. All three were birds eye views.
Mt. Adams Laundry
4" x 6", watercolor on paper, 1973
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11223 Cornell Park Dr. Suite 301, Blue Ash, Ohio 45242